Seahorse Academy
All of our lessons are private or semi-private. Every student will start in a private lessons regardless of age/skill/siblings. Once kiddos are in our program and we get to know their personalities and swim abilities we will look through our other students and see if we have another child who would be a good match for your kiddo. We want kids learning how to swim, not learning how to wait their turn! Therefore we will not ever pair siblings together. We are well aware that other programs in the area will pair a 2 year old with their 8 year old sibling..so they can charge you for two kids while they teach one and the other one waits there turn! Good for making money, bad for teaching kids how to swim! We currently have a wait list for all private and semi-private lessons. Our list is about 6-9 months out at this time so please fill it out asap and add scheduling@seahorseacademybend.com to your contact list so you don't miss the email when your name comes to the top of the list! If you have a kiddo under the age of 23 months, please join the Water Babies Wait list. Once your child is in our Water Babies program they get to jump the wait list line for private lessons once they graduate that program! So start them young and you won't have to wait!
Private Lesson Waitlist:
Water Babies Waitlist: